Broward county school field trip to gay bar

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I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone field trip to the incredible Rosie’s! The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community! A huge thank you to for hosting this special field trip every year! /A3rpMbyUJP- School Board Member Sarah Leonardi October 27, 2021 The school board member said she would like to focus on engaging the community with positivity as the representative of her school district. Speaking with NBC Miami, Leonardi said that 'bigoted' people targeted her family, friends, and church community because of her post, prompting her to report the threats to the authorities. The said eatery is known for its racy menus. She also mentioned that they went to Rosie's Bar and Grill. Sarah Leonardi of the Broward County Public Schools shared the photos of the school field trip involving the kids from Wilton Manors Elementary School on her Twitter account.

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A school board member has been receiving death threats after she shared on social media that she chaperoned a school field trip that brought the students to a popular Florida gay bar and grill.

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